
Cross Training for Musicians is a collection of videos and sound files that guide the reader through a series of movements designed to promote healthy practicing. The activities provide movement variety and promote global awareness, serving to keep musicians’ movements efficient and accurate. The activities are based on five modalities: The Alexander Technique, the Feldenkrais Method, Body Mapping, Yoga and Stretching.

Cross Training for Musicians is a multi-media resource, not a hard copy book. When you order Cross Training you will receive an email containing an access code and instructions for logging into our secure web page to access the content. Once you enter your code, you will be prompted to create an account so you can log in using your credentials to access Cross Training whenever you like. NOTE: Codes can only be used once. After you use your code and create your account, you no longer need your code – you log on with the credentials (user name and password) you chose when you set up your account.

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